Sex! Sex! Sex!

Anyone who tells you that they have never thought of sex is totally lying to you. So many people are in to it. TV, media makes it look so great, cool, amazing. Is it enjoyable? Does it hurt? Yaddah Yaddah Yaddah. Ummm, okay here it goes sex is all of the above, it is what you make it. Now down to the root of this: Is it better to wait or just "get on with it"? To answer the question(s) you may have posed in your mind, Yes you may feel a little guilty thinking about it if you aren't married. Yes, sex feels like you are in control of your world  . . . temporarily .  No sex doesn't solve all of your problems. Yes sexual contact is how people catch STDs. Yes there are new STDs being discovered everyday. Am I trying to scare you away from sex? Of course not. God created sex for good reasons only. But then again God is a of free will. Sooo that being said we decide what we do with it and suffer good or bad later. There is a reason for everything. Ever heard that cliche before? It really is true. There is a reason God wants people to WAIT UNTIL marriage. Sex is so powerful that it can manipulate your mind into thinking that you are in love with someone when in reality, you're in lust with what God gave him/her. Is it too late to start over. GIRL NO! Celibacy, abstinence are your friends.  
You have a boyfriend, first date what do you do? free polls 

Make Your Own Lip Balm?

The most simple, cherished, & great things are made by hand. That's one of the reasons I love making my own things. As far as my lips go, I really don't like wondering what is in the things I buy. My lips are like pearls to me so, I treat them like pearls!

This is so simple you WILL NOT believe it!!! :))

Things you will need; 

Microwave safe small lip balm container

Petroleum Jelly/Vaseline   

Your old lip-gloss you don't use anymore

Eye shadow (optional)

Something you can stir with

A small spoon

& well .... A MICROWAVE or Hair Drier 

1) Take your container & put vaseline in it

2) Using your choice between eye shadow & old lip-gloss ... FOR LIP GLOSS ; squeeze the lip gloss of your choice on on top of the Vaseline/ Petroleum Jelly

FOR EYE SHADOW ; Scrape eye shadow into the container

3) Stir it together using your stirring tool

4) Heat in the microwave for about a min

5) Take out & stir

6) Put in the freezer for 30min

7) Enjoy!!!

 Vegan Recipes coming soon!

 My OWN Lip Balm?

Learn how to your own lip balm!!! KEEP SCROLLING ! :) <3 <3 <3

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 Feel like your driving on a road to a destination that's so far away? Feel like you have a vision that God himself has planted inside of your eye that only YOU can see? Or maybe you just feel that God himself is telling you that it's time for change. Ya' know break away from society's traditions. Do people seriously call you "nuts"? Living everyday with passion and purpose? Are you the only one in the bunch that truly believes in God, the only one in the bunch that truthfully tries to stay positive? Trust me, I've been there. All of these feelings, thoughts, and realizations are okay. They are in fact normal. It all comes down to accepting the fact that you are indeed different. Be proud and happy that you're "IN" sane. 

Something Funny?

Founder of SmartAtHeart (Crystal) I came upon this webazine by being inspired when I was watching a movie with my little sister. The name came when I started to think about well, me & todays generation of teenage girls. My family always told me, "you have no common sense, but you have all of the book smarts in the world!" So I started thinking, "hey maybe I'm not street smart like alot of people, but atleast I know the things that matter." To me, knowing who you are is what matters, being a girl matters, & helping others matter to me!!! That's how the birth of SmartatHeart started!!! :))

Browsing Archive: March, 2012

Self Therapy!!!

Posted by Founder of SmartAtHeart (Crystal) on Wednesday, March 21, 2012, In : Being a Girl! 
Ever find yourself looking at what others had and thought , "I wish I had that." Or coveting? Yeah, well KEEP READING!!! :)
There is a simple recipe for one self. That recipe; Love + Happiness + Confidence + Kindness + Peace + Understanding = One Self!!!!! There is nothing wrong with not liking someomes ways because hey, you're human! But ALWAYS have love for one another!!!!!!! You never know when someones time's up. I don't care if your aunt has called you the biggest female dog ever, your te...
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BeautyCrushes new video

Posted by Founder of SmartatHeart (Crystal) on Wednesday, March 21, 2012, In : Being a Girl! 
So of course girls love makeup right? And we would ALL LOVE to know some beauty care secrets! Go up to that address bar and type in and search BeautyCrush. I guarantee you will love this guru's input!!!! :)) 
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Have Haters? 

Haters gonna hate!

"Haters gone hate." While there are many theories on why people are the way that they are, you have to look at the facts. The following are : 

  • They(haters) need to feel good about themselves.

Its sort of an ego thing. You see people are interesting, yet still predictable. In other words: Self-esteem issues.

  • You have something they (haters) do not.

In other words envy. Everyone has a different calling in life. You can't go and want to be a doctor because Susie is a doctor. You can't be an entrepreneur because you saw Diddys bio. Am I saying that it won't happen? Of course not. Make your own path. 

  • Their unhappy with things in their life.

Satan clearly falls into this category. [Sorry, thoughts are drifting] Anyhow, when people are unhappy they want their surroundings to be unhappy as well. They (haters) want to rob you of your peace because they (refuse) to rest in theirs. Misery loves company girls.

  • Their own lives aren't that exciting.

To some striking up drama, and even hating on someone is just simply something to do. I know, stupid right? Like GROW UP.

  • You're living what they (haters) dream of.

Remember the old movie The Wizard of Oz? The lion, he wanted to be brave. . . . courage. People fail to understand that everyone in this world whether Black, White, Asian, purple, polka dotted WHATEVER are born with the same opportunity. No matter where we as a whole came from we all have an equal at where we're going. Don't get upset at one who chooses to chase and go after what God has placed in the hearts, and eye. Get up off of yours and CHASE THAT DREAM!

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