Are you and your bestfriend having a disagreement or issue? No problem, KEEP READING! First things first : She/He is your bestfriend!!! Meaning, obviously you two became close for a reason. Second (2nd), think of the root of the problem. Ya' know us as humans we tend to have pride alot. We don't like admit that "I'm wrong", or simply "Well I guess we're not meant to be friends". Sometimes it's not even that. At times a friendship gets dull. I mean, of course you're friends & you know it but sometimes you may need a girls night! Maybe a hug is needed. Third (3rd), come up with an agreement that both you and your friend would love. Fourth (4th), Talk it out. Literally TALK it out! Do not yell. Be respectful of eachothers inputs. Trust me you two will be best budds in due time!!! <3 <3 <3 
God bless!