The enemies goal is to bring up yesterday, to keep you from living today. -Joyce Meyer
Last Friday, I took my permit test. My mother asked me if I had studied. In my eyes, I had... over the summer. But I didn't the following days. I honestly just felt as if I just wanted to take the test to get it over with so I could NOW drive with my peers or other teens who already can drive. My mother took me to the permit place. When we walked inside of the building, all of a sudden I got immediately nervous. Then, it was time. To take the test that is. When I got into that seat I was continously praying that God shows mercy on me and let me pass on some questions. And,... he did. I'm the type of person who is a perfectionist with almost everything. I failed the test. Why? Well for one, I rushed the process of wanting my permit like other people instead of the pace GOD wanted me to go in. Two, I didn't study as frequently as I should have.
But God spared me, he honestly let me pass with an amount I'd NEVER thought I would pass with.

The feeling of failing tests for me, isn't a good one. I almost cried when I had to tell my mother the bad news. That is EXACTLY why I don't like to dissappoint my heavenly father. As we were heading home, the enemy kicked in. It was literally like a battle in my mind. I knew it wasn't right to get mad at others because of my situation. Believe it or not some people had no idea what was going on. When I fail something, it's like I think about my failure for that entire day! But I am  child of God, & I need to act like one. So I started to speak to Satan aloud. I said "LOOK HERE, IT WAS A TEST AND I FAILED. BUT THAT DOES NOT MEAN I CAN NOT take it again! You will NOT stop me from doing what I need to do. I WILL apologize to my mother for getting angry with her. Satan, YOU WILL NOT stop me today!"
At times, we need to speak back to the enemy. Simply because if we don't, we can be defeated. Satan tried his best to get me to look back on my failure. But spiritualy I won. I pressed on in the Lord and got the V-I-C-T-O-R-Y!!!
I encourage you girls today, whatever your test or trial may be press FOWARD. You can not make progress in the Lord if you are continously looking backward. Let God guide you with his precious hand. :) :) :)
God bless Xoxoxoxo