Okay so, yesterday I experienced a little problem. Remember, I'm a teen girl JUST like you! So please don't be fooled because I have my own webazine. So anyway, it was a girl that was bigger, bolder, & older than me; she was mean. In health class she laughed with her friends about me and she was just very mean. Her vibe even shook up my spirit. She did say some profane things. And my feelings were hurt!!! But I had to remind myself that God is watching over me. "No weapons formed against me shall prosper." I told myself. Then me being afraid of her, that feeling went away. So I thought, that was because God didn't give us the spirit of fear. And that's right, because he didn't!!! I told my grandmother about it and I just told her that I will pray for that bully. When we go through tests & trials, thats when God is REALLY present before us. We just have to meditate on him & his word to get us through. In other words.... HAVE FAITH when you go through things such as this. God will never fail you! :)