Wednesday, April 4 @ 1:21pm I was in the library (In Health class). I couldn't help but notice that guys in front of me were "playing" with each other. They were talking mean to each other , saying things like "Your head is as big as a globe." Or to the chubby kid they were saying things similar as "You're so fat you have man boobs." Honestly, in my opinion that isn't  what a real friend would say to his friend. Then of course they were still throwing insults @ each-other, but something I noticed about hmm maybe 5min l8r. I noticed that the chubby guy was getting angry of the jokes his "friends" were throwing at him. Ya' know it's quite amazing when you are just observing, & not just speaking for a change. Coming from a girls point of view, I say this ; "It's quite funny how nothings funny when it's you." I say that because notice that the chubby guy was throwing jokes around to everyone else as his friends were doing. But when it back-fired it wasn't as funny as he'd thought. But girls I say this,; PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! Hang around appropriate people. Believe it or not the people you surround yourselves with will eventually become apart of your character! I would just also like to point out that, if you don't treat others the way you would want to be treated, irony's gonna hit you hard!