Ever find yourself looking at what others had and thought , "I wish I had that." Or coveting? Yeah, well KEEP READING!!! :)
There is a simple recipe for one self. That recipe; Love + Happiness + Confidence + Kindness + Peace + Understanding = One Self!!!!! There is nothing wrong with not liking someomes ways because hey, you're human! But ALWAYS have love for one another!!!!!!! You never know when someones time's up. I don't care if your aunt has called you the biggest female dog ever, your teacher lied on you to get you in trouble, or the biggest bully in your school is trying to ruin your day. Love everyone!!! Now, being positive is highly important to me. Staying positive is its own medicine & yours. Say for instance you & your mom got into the biggest disagreement yet, but you're upset and see nothing but red!!! Remember that PP, yeah that's when you grab that iPod/MP3 player and blast it in your ear! Hahaha, I love this one. There's a HUGE difference between confidence and being arrogant. Arrogance is when you of course have too much pride, and think you are better than anyone. Confidence is when you have pride, but you don't think you are better than anyone. You keep in mind that you've made an accomplishment and/or love yourself , but you also remember you have faults like everyone else. With me explaining and sharing this with you I am telling you this because if you follow this recipe it is it's own treat!!!! Being nice is fairly important. You can remain firm, but be nice. You never know, just a smile could go a long way. As for as peace, I know at times it can get very hard to keep it. But hey, when someone argues with you you don't argue back. Simple as that, you don't have to argue back. You can try and prove your point in a kind way. But when the situation gets loud, get quiet, smile and walk away. Trust me, it's not worth it. Understanding, is an understament these days. If you get stood up by your bestfriend, on your bestfriendiversay or something firstly, remember this;. Your bestfriend is your bestfriend, & I'm pretty sure he/she would do NOTHING PURPOSELY to hurt you. So understand something must have came up, or pull out your PP!!!! :)) All in all, this is self therapy as well as self discipline.