Am I Too Nice For My Own Good? (Visit story on Brainiac)

As the owner and founder of SmartAtHeart don't think that I have it all "together". I tend to have issues just  as everyone else. But I am wondering. . . . do I need to "grow a tip"?  

Sex! Sex! Sex!

Okay. Okay. Who hasn't thought about it yet? LIAR!!! You have. It is always better to be safe than sorry. (Go ahead and click BRAINIAC!!! You know you want to.)

 What's on your PPY?!!!

Often the things that get us girls down are our surroundings, our attitude, and the music we listen to. I love music, who else wouldn't? Your goal for today.... you know NO for THE REST of your life is to have a Positive Playlist. When things seem bad or tough go get that iPod, MP3 player of yours & crank up that Positive Playlist !!!!  The songs I love that get me into a confident, positive  mood are;

  • Coco Jones - "World Is Dancing"
  • Lecrae - "Round Of Applause"
  • Schoolboy Q ft. Kendrick Lamar - Blessed
  • Lorde - "Team"
  • Britt Nicole - "Gold"
  • Justin Bieber - "That Power"
  • Zendaya Coleman - "Fireflies" 

 Advice? Cut me a Slice!!!

P: Alicia432; "My teacher is seeming to always pick on me! It sounds silly, but that's just how it seems. I mean even when I'm not doing ANYTHING wrong I'm still doing something wrong! Help SmartAtHeart!!!
R: Firstly I would like to say ... TEACHERS ARE A PAIN , but they are just doing they're job. Most teachers are like that because they believe that you are capable of doing far more than the ordinary. Because well you're EXTRAORDINARY! I also understand that you can't pull on out your PP in class, so just set a positive mind before walking into class! Have you ever thought about having personal conferences with your teacher? Ya' know just to tell her how you feel. So it can benefit both you and your teacher so you two can be on the same page!!! Thank you for your Plea, we came to the Rescue!
 P: Crys96; "So I've been struggling alot with being the only saved one in the house. I have been trying my best to not give wrong responses to my parents, siblings & etc. It is starting to get really difficult. Cut me a slice?"
R: I highly recommend that you pray. Simply because I went through the same thing and believe it or not, I'm still going through it. BUT, YOU are responsible for what you say, do, and etc. You just have to find a secret quiet place in your home and just talk to God. He will work it out. Maybe he saved YOU to also save your house hold?! Ah huh! Think about that! Thanks for your Plea, we came to the

Mom's steaming your clams? Trust me, I know the feeling. They can be so annoying at times, so demanding, misunderstanding. Ugh! Must I go on? (Click Brainiac to go further)  

Nails! Nails! Nails!

Who says you have to spend unnecessary amounts of money going to the nail shop? When you yourself, can learn how to get professional looking nails AT HOME!!!! Just visit "Braniac" for DIYs & How Tos! You can also get creative ideas monthly HERE at SmartAtHeart.   

Have a love, passion for both fashion AND your faith? Visit for recent fashions! Keep it classy, edgy, fun, & holy. 

Vegan Recipes

 The secret(s) to working out


A televison



Proud To be INSANE 

Ever feel like you're crazy, insane, in need of medication? . . . Like you have a vision that the Lord has placed in your heart for the world to see but people continously choose to be blind to change? You're not alone. Visit BRAINIAC to go further more.

 Here's a story for you,

I just recently graduated high-school. Sooo I guess you can say that I'm a newbie in the world today. 



"But the Lord laughs at the wicked, for he knows their day is coming" - Psa. 37:13

The real reason "Haters" exist. 


 Need Advice???

No problem! Just go to "Contact Me" and enter your e-mail, your name, and your message!!! It's THAT easy! Maybe YOUR problem will be featured on our home page, in the advice column.

Do you have a Valentine? Because Valentines day is right around the corner gals! If you don't have one . . . take a look in the mirror! 

Glamorous, Girly, & Gorgeous.

Wanna get Creative???

Learn how to make YOUR OWN things HERE at 

COMING SOON!!!! (lip balm, makeup, candles, jewelery holders, jewelry, purses... and even more!!!)

 Being a girl is a SUPERPOWER !!! :)

Staying positve in a negative world is possible. 

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