Feeling alone?

 Do you feel that you're the only one trying to live according to Gods plan? I feel like that alot. But trust me with what I'm about to tell you, you'll be "A" Okay! 

Now, remember that bad guy? Yeah, Satan. He tries his hardest to make you feel that way. But the truth is you're not alone! There are people out there just like you. 

And remember the Bible says; 

"And be not conformed to this world: but ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is good, and acceptable, and perfect to the will of God."
Romans 12:2

So you ARE different. But so what?!!!  Hey, you're perfect in Gods eyes. Just keep in mind that there is a GREAT reward in the end.

Sometimes you have to do what's best for you even when it's the worst for others.

When facing temptation, what to do? 

Satan knew exactly what he was doing when he tempted Eve!

NOTICE: The word tempt, is in the word temptation.

The first thing you should EVER do when being tempted by temptation is PRAY!  God understands that we are humans, but he does have high expectations for us.

What does that mean?

Meaning that God isn't as hard as we think he is. God is very just, faithful, and amazing in many ways!!!

The second thing you should do when being approached by temptation is EVALUATE. Think about what will happen due to your choice. Think about why this happening.

Third, be wise about the ones you hangout with because believe it or not sometimes they AREN'T your friend(s).

Lastly if the temptation you're facing seems overwhelming, just know that God WILL SHOW YOU a way out of whatever the situation is!

God Bless you all xoxo!!!

We all need encouragement. Whether you're the only saved one in your house hold, the "different" girl at school, or even the "weird" one. We are all made to encourage eachother as well!!! :-.)


To me, I love purity rings because they're a vow to God and yourself. 

Ready for some Bible Trivia? It'll be fun, I guarantee it!!!!!!!

 1.) Who Killed Goliath? (Hint: 1 Samuel 17:1-58)

 2.) Who was king when Jesus what born? (Hint: Matthew 2: 1-12)

 3.)  Samson's strength was his....? (Hint; Judges 16:17)

 4.) Solomon builds a ...? 

 5.) How many people were with Jesus in Gethsemane?

 6.) How old was Abraham, when Isaac was born?

 7.) Jesus said "Get thee behind me Satan" to ... ? (Hint: Matthew 16:23)

 8.) For God so loved the...? (Hint: John 3:16)

 9.) Which Gospel writer was a doctor? (Hint: Colossians 4:14)

 10.) How many books are there, of the new testament? 

Does Satan have you question whether or not you're saved, if God really loves you? That's his job. Truth is he has been studying you your whole life. IKR?! Creepy and he has no life. If you really think about it that would mean that he is pretty old .... and ugly. 

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