How would you define beauty? 

Beauty in my very own words is simply how one feels about themselves, their quality and inner confidence. That being said I truly believe everyone has beauty. 

Make-up REMOVER? 

Don't have enough money to buy those high quality, name-brand make-up remover items? THAT IS FINE!!!!! Lol, there are only two things you'll need to remove your make up with; water and/or babywipe. That easy!

 Train Like A Beauty to Look Like a BEAST

The Secrets to beauty. . . . shhh!!!

  • Generous Amount of Sleep
  • Treating your body as a Temple
  • Eating Right
  • Having Great Hygiene
  • Exercise
  • Drinking at least 6 glasses of water a day

Don't have the money to go to a spa? 


Here are a few things you could do at home by yourself!!!

  • Face Mask 
  • Pedicures
  • Manicures
  • Hair
  • Moisurizing
  • Cleansing


  1.  People often confuse dehydration for headaches. Our brains are 75% water. Remember that.
  2. A diet the consists of beans of some sort will ultimately prevent certain diseases and cancers.
  3. Appetite is often confused with hunger.
  4. Back in earlier days, night pilots had to eat a lump sump of carrots to help with their vision. Carrots consists of Vitamin A, potassium, fiber, and carbohydrates. 

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